Why become a Young Archer of BowJunky Media?
- To help promote the sport of archery to a younger generation so when the current pros retire there are new pros to take their place so our sport stays healthy.
- Discounts to those that contribute at a high level will have a chance to get product discounts from industry companies.
- Those that contribute at a high level and who would like to interview a pro archer, I will do my best to setup that interview for you so that you can write a story on them.
We are looking for 'Young Archers' to submit archery related stories to help promote the sport to a new generation.
Write about:
- Archery Clubs / Shops: Write about the club / shop that you belong to. Why do you belong to it and why should others join?
- Organizations: What archery organizations do you shoot and why?
- Hunting Trips: And we don't just mean that you went to the woods in the morning, sat in a treestand, had lunch, took a shoot and left. We want you to write about who took you hunting, why they took you, what does it mean that they took you. Then you can write about where you went, what you saw and what kind of luck you had.
- Tournaments: Not just that you practiced, went to a tournament, how you scored and left. But why did you go to that tournament, did you have a brain fart and not set your sight, what was your emotion when something bad / good happened. Do you have friends that you don't normally see but at this tournament, what is there to do at that tournament when you are not actually competing?
- Product Reviews: Review a product that just came on the market or one that is new to you. What made you want to get the product? Was it because you saw it in an ad, did a friend tell you about it, did you borrow it and liked it, you saw a pro use it, ...?
- Yourself: How or why did you get into archery? What does archery mean to you? Why do you compete at the level that you do?
- Role Models: Who do you look up to in achery and why? Who has helped you get to the level that you are?
Please include with your submission:
- Story with a title
- Information: Your name, age and location
- Photos: 3-5 high resolution unedited/cropped photos
- Social Media: Your facebook, instagram, youtube, ... pages
- Tags: Who would you like to tag in your story?